Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 22, 2013
Diane 35
My daughter age 18 took Diane 35 for 11 months, it cleared up her acne, but not completely. She was not overweight, did not smoke, or drink coffee or alcohol. It was making her slightly nauseous, but this was somewhat normal for her as she did tend to become anxiety ridden, and was lactose intolerant. So we thought she may have been having other food related problems. As it turned out she had a massive bilateral pulminary embolism which came on quickly and she died within 2 days of her first cardiac arrest. She had no swelling in her legs, the only symptom was feeling tired. Her doctor did not know that when you take this drug that you should come off of it after 5 months or so to see how your skin is. My older daughter was on it as well, as soon as our younger daughter died, doctors tested our older daughters blood and it was also showing signs of clotting. She is off of it now and it took 6 months for her periods to return to normal. Her skin now breaks out occasionally, but after going to a naturopath, we have discovered that she needs to be glutin and dairy free. Cows milk is quite bad for acne. She can have goats milk and goat cheese. My advice to anyone taking this medication is to stop immediately and if you don't, at least have a thrombosis blood test to see what it is doing to your blood. We had no history of thrombosis. This drug has killed my daughter and destroyed my life, and I do not want it to hurt anyone else or have anyone else live this nightmare. My daughter was such a wonderful kind loving soul, creative, and always creating art, poetry, and a friend to all. She asked me to sign her donor card when she was 17, she lives on in 5 children to who her organs were donated as well as 2 children receiving her corneas. I realize that this drug makes billions of dollars for the drug companies and Health Canada has put warnings out, but still has not banned it. France has banned it, and the USA has never approved it. I hope this review helps women to make a better decision that we did.
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September 7, 2010


seems to control my acne,
bigger boobs


you have to remember to take it at the same time every day

I am taking Diane 35 Daily together with Duac Gel for almost three months now and it looks like it's working, because my face looks - this last three weeks - better than it looked this whole year.
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August 16, 2010


no more acne :D



i'm taking diane for 1 year and i have no more acne and my blood test were good, nothing wrong so i'm lucky :D
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August 13, 2010


cleared skin up. less breakouts


nausea.....nausea...nausea.. so bad!! always feel hungry.

I was on the pill for two years.. my skin cleared up straight away ..I was realy impressed. It makes me nausea real bad tho, and at christmas I went off it because it was making me vomit.. I was spot free (just one or two spots sometimes) for nearly 8 months when my acne started to return over a week ago.. I am now back on diane 35 about five days. The nausea is horrible,but is getting better and my skin is drying up a bit! so please let this work. I find it so tough as I am sure a lot of people who use this site do. I have acne scarring that regardless of acne returning or not gets me down so much. I find When you read reviews on pill,creams etc your always going to read 10 or so comments saying"wow amazing worked great for me" and another ten saying "it was awful caused me this problem etc etc.. so its so hard to know whats right for you and what realy is good. I freak myself out and convince myself the pill or this or that cream is bad when I read neagtive comments and when I read positive comments ... I become over confident with what I am using will work.. bottom line realy is if you find something good and don't suffer much negative effects etc than stick to it and stay away from readng too many negative reviews on a product or on diane 35 if you find it good. It will only stress you out and maybe bring on ill effects and more acne..............jez I wish I could take my own advise. sorry if I bored yee all
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July 7, 2010


No more acne


Bigger boobs, though this is really only a con to me.

I had horrible acne, my face was covered, I mean I had 5 to 10 big red painful spots all the time. From when I was thirteen until I started this pill (i am 20 now), and i cannot even count how many products i tried. The first couple months i didn't notice much change, but now i have been taking it for about 6 months and i haven't had any thing, except for those pesky red scars which will take a while to heel as i have very fair skin. This is the first week since i discovered concealer that i have had the confidence to leave my house without makeup on. As for blood clots, this is an issue with most forms of birth control, but my doctor just had me get a blood test before i started this medication to see if blood clotting would be an issue, luckily it isn't. I read the other reviews on here before i started this medication, but so far i am just glad to finally be able to jump in a pool without worrying about my makeup coming off. P.S. If your Canadian, my prescription is covered on both Greenshield and Blue Cross
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April 6, 2010


clear skin
fuller, firmer boobs
thicker hair


extreme nausea!!!

I started taking Diane 35 a couple of years ago and I was amazed at how quickly my skin cleared up - maybe a couple of months. I was taking it for a combination of acne and folliculitis, and my skin was so crazy I didn't even want to go out in public sometimes - I even called in sick at work once in a while if it was really bad. I was in my mid-thirties and had had great skin all my life and then SUDDENLY got this weird acne, and I was very self conscious about it. I tried all kinds of treatments for it - laser, antibiotics (both oral and topical, for the folliculitis as well as acne) but in the end NOTHING worked except for Diane 35. I stayed on it for 6 or 8 months, and I'd say the effects lasted for a year or so, after which my skin got slowly worse, and now I'm back on it. Right now I'm in the phase where my skin is pushing all the gunk to the surface, so I'm getting little painful whiteheads all over the place - even my back, where I don't normally get zits. Hopefully it will clear up soon! I feel very pukey, but it's worth it. I didn't get the weight gain that a lot of women do, but I work out a lot. If I start to gain weight, I'll exercise more, or I'll even put up with the extra weight. Who's prettier - a pudgy woman with great skin, or a skinny hardbody woman with bad skin? I think that whether you gain weight or lose it, whether you experience hair thickening or loss... all depends on your hormone balance you start with. Women who gain a ton of weight probably end up with estrogen levels that are much too high, whereas women who don't probably have acne caused by excess androgens, and Diane 35 balances them out nicely. (I gave this a 5 out of 5 despite the nausea - nothing is perfect, and women have to suffer to be beautiful.)
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April 16, 2011


My acne went away
My periods were SUPER light



I even suffer from chronic migraines and was worried that this would make them worse because other people were reporting that it gave them migraines but there was no change. My acne cleared up pretty quick and was gone within about 4 months. My periods got so light they were practically non-existant. I took this for about 9 months, then my dr switched me to a low-estrogen pill about 2 years ago. After being off for about 6 months I got a little bit of acne but then it worked itself out. Now I get a pimple or two once in a while but I'm pretty clear most of the time. If you dr will give this to you - I highly recommend it since accutane never even got rid of my acne but this did!!!
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January 26, 2011


-improved acne
-bigger boobs (up a cup size)
-much lighter period and no pain


-severe mood swings/depression
-weight gain
-dry skin

The first week i took Diane35 i felt absolutely sick to my stomach whenever i ate. Though that symptom passed, it has been replaced by bloating and weight gain. That also doesn't help the severe mood swings it has given me even though i had never experienced any form of depression or moodiness in the past. It almost makes me feel like a different person emotionally. It did however make my skin nice and clear, but the emotional distress and body image outweigh the nice skin and big boobs. I say try something else.
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January 10, 2010


clear skin


weight gain, and once you stop taking diane 35, your hair on your head falls out

I have been on Diane 36 for 6 months. It was great in keeping my skin smooth, it wasn't that bad to begin with though. I stopped taking Diane after 6 months because I gained about 8lbs with it.. and I didn't like the way it made me feel. Three months after stopping, the hair on my head is falling out. It has been two months and is still falling out. I lost half my hair already but from what I heard, it is common for that to happen. I hope it will grow back. You got to weigh your option.. If it wasn't for the hairloss, i would say it is a great birth control, but my hair is important to me so for me it is not a choice.
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March 2, 2011


Clearer, less oily skin
Light periods
No pms
Bigger boobs


Weight gain
Intolerance to alcohol

I have been on Diane-35 for about 6 months now. It started clearing up my skin immediately within the first few weeks. However, 2-3 months into it, I had horrible food cravings and gained about 6 pounds. The weight doesnt go away, despite dieting. My boobs got bigger and more full. The symptoms of pms are greatly reduced. I only have a couple pimples show up a day or two before starting my period. My periods are VERY light and only last a couple days. Also, for some strange reason, if I have more than 1 alcoholic drink, I feel like I'm going to throw up. But, this may be just me since I have had this same side effect on other pills. Overall, I'm very happy with this pill!
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