Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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February 9, 2011


Free method to getting rid of acne because who really likes to go out and buy acne cream and etc... you can do it before you take a shower that way it doesn't mess up any daily routines (suggest you do this unless you want to risk smelling like pee)


Your putting pee on your face, at least its yours

Give it a try, apply to an area of your face that has acne and see the results before trying it full on. you have got nothing to lose... except for your dignity if anybody found out ={
September 8, 2008


Not sure yet.


It's PEE. :S

I put it on last night, and for now there doesn't seem to be much of a difference. Will keep you posted :)
March 16, 2011




Feels gross on skin
Made me break out with tiny bumps ive never had before
Didn't work on my acne
Left my face smelly kinda gross

It didn't work for me. I lead a very healthy and active life. I have healthy diet and drink plenty of water everyday. Before i started this treatment i made sure to be eating my healthiest in order to gain the most out of it. I used it topically. However, it didn't work. It didnt make my acne worse perse, it just left my skin feeling uncomfortable. It was also a waste of time on a better treatment. Nevertheless, i have heard that the true "Urine Therapy" is when you drink your own pee not apply it topically. But i dont want to try that but i encourgae the brave of you to do so. Currently, all natural Aloe Vera applied every day and night has helped my acne. Underneath the Aloe Vera i apply lemon juice (which really seems to help!) but ive stopped the lemon juice cuz ive been in the sun a lot. Dont let these reviews fool you! It is most likely a placebo or a combination of other factors that have helped these people obtain results. But who knows, i may be wrong =P
August 29, 2008


-its FREEE (sort of):D
-au naturel =p


-its... warm O____O;
-a slightly funky smell
-really really hard to get over T.T;

i have small bumps on my forehead and alot of black heads; i can never seem to get rid of them- which drives me NUTS. i cant really say anything about the product yet, since ive only used it once; but i'll definitly be back for another review aft a few more uses. so far... i THINK it evened out the skin tone on my forhead, but im not sure :S my bumps feela bit.. bumpier? lol
January 5, 2009


It kinda worked, only made my skin smooth and well it was still dry.


Dry skin, and well thats it, plus its pee.

I dont wanna do it again haha.
August 4, 2008


FREE!!!, smooth silky skin, clears complexion


smell at first, but i quickly got over it and so will you

this works. i never thought i would do something like this but i decided to try it, and it works! what i do is i pee onto 2 or 3 folded tissues and then rub it all over my face, chest, back, basically anywhere i have pimples and after the first day i immediately saw results. this really is a miracle. ive also been using Carley's Clear and SMooth (which can be bought on ebay). its a scrubby soap that i use once a day in the shower which ALSO really works. look it up on ebay! i highly recommend both. good luck! <3
January 16, 2013





gets rid of it
February 20, 2011


It's natural, always avaliable, and sterile.


It seems taboo and it may smell depending on your liquid intake.

First off it seems gross. If you want your acne to go away just deal with it. I've been using it for awhile and my face seems to glow. It's been softer and pimples are going away. Plus the blackheads were just popping out. So the bottom line is: It's effective, free, and readily avalibe.
August 22, 2009


Makes skin brighter, glowing-good to use if you have no acne and just want to brighten your complexion!


The bacteria from your "private area" may cause MORE acne!!

Ok. So i tried this once or twice. It definetly tightens skin, makes it smoother and brighter. Does it clear acne?....no. INFACt it may even make skin more acne-prone because when the pee flows-bacteria flows with it and so your bassically spreading bacteria all over your face. I know this post may be annoying because all of the other ones are like "this works! it is the best treatment! a miracle". But im just trying to be practicle...lol. TRY ZINC! IT WORKS AFTER 10 DAYS! i am now acne free!
February 19, 2009


Havent tried it yet!


Who cares if its urine its part of me!

Ok why are people uncomfortable with it. I am excited to do it! I am smiling read my post on my past :( but when I came across this i feel hope! Not only that I wont get rashes like from this Bactrim SH*T!