Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 8, 2009


I recently had a bad breakout (hormonally related) and the vinegar has worked wonders. My dermatologist tried several medications (doxycycline, Differin, benzamycin, new BCP) but the vinegar is what works!


It did not work overnight for me as some have claimed. Give it some time if it doesn't work right away. Took me about two weeks before things really started clearing up.

Give it a shot! My acne was somewhat severe and it works. If it doesn't work out, you only spent a few bucks, anyway. Be sure to mix it 50-50 with water so it doesn't burn. I used to drink it too, but it bothered my stomach. I think just applying it topically does the trick. Good luck everyone.
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February 28, 2009


VERY GOOD.! within 2 week ALL my acne cleared up and my skin is soft and smooth


smell taste.. rememnber to wash it off 10 mis after

...YAY regular white vinegar
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February 16, 2009


shrinking and fading my hyperpigmentation
prevented new break outs


smell, but it doesn't last. I live with my boyfriend and he doesn't even know I use it.

this seems to be working really well for me so far. I'm 21 and have had acne for about ten years. It started to get really bad when I went to college so I started taking all sorts of antibiotics. I recently stopped taking them because I felt they weren't working anymore, my acne wasn't at its worst, but I was still breaking out. I've been using ACV as a toner for about two weeks and my skin is as clear as its been since i was a kid! It's helping me to fade red marks too, which is what I really want since mine last forever. I get redmarks even when I don't pick at all! Sometimes I use it as a toner and put bio oil on after, which is a really great combination for fading marks for me, but if I put on bio oil too much it makes me break out.
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November 27, 2008


it works really well, got rid of my cysts tones my skin, practically overnight


it stinks but get over it

stop being such a pussy and try it because it works
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November 24, 2008


Everything! Nice, smooth, glow to skin


The smell is a little over powering, causes your face to be a little dry

I have tried over 10 different products to get rid of the blemishes on my face, spend a ton of money and nothing compares to this. I just started using it and already I can see a difference in my complexion. It's cheap, only .96 cents at Walmart!
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October 27, 2008


Clears skin, cheap. I've tried tea tree oil, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, vitamin E, and Minocycline (prescription), and nothing worked until I tried apple cider vinegar. This stuff is amazing!


I have really sensitive eyes, so being near the vinegar makes them sting, even if it doesn't get in my eyes.

Give it a try. It works!
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October 18, 2008


Dried out my pimples, i have a nice glow on my cheeks.


Had to get used to the stink, skin feels too tight.

During and after my pregnancy, i got a patch of pimples on my left cheek and ive never had pimples there, not even in high school. I've tried everything, even birth control pills, and usually those pills to make it go away, nothing. My mom started drinking ACV, just to be more healthier, so i went to Whole Foods and bought Braggs ACV and did my research. I drink acv with honey and water and apply acv straight on my skin. This stuff works! All my zits are dried out, no new zits. I almost dont mind the smell but it does dry my face out. I put raw shea butter on my face cuz raw shea butter does not clog pores and its actually an anti-inflammatory. ACV and raw shea butter equal a great combo. I will keep on using ACV, the Braggs kind.
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August 20, 2008


works. affordable. natural. lightens spots.


stings. smells.

So I have been using this for 3 days. I just fold a tissue in half, poor the cider vinegar on generously, and wipe it on my face. I usually do it around 5-8 PM, because, when you first put it on, it makes your face very red, which can fool you, but after about an hour, it looks great, and continues to get better for a few hours. I still wash my face before bed and but that medication on. But seriously, I was VERY skeptical, but it really works!
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July 19, 2008


The initial smell


Keeps rosacea breakouts from becoming worst

I've been suffering with mild to moderate rosacea since 2000. Up until now, I've had to rely on tetracycline or doxycycline whenever a flareup would occur. (usually about two to three months after my last prescription). Doctors are hesitant about simply giving me a full year prescription, so I go thru the same routine every time a flareup occurs. Recently I got fed up and tried vinegar. Although the vinegar doesn't make the rosacea completely disappear, it most certainly keeps it in check until I can get a new prescription. I'm one of those sufferers who's outbreaks are directly tied to hot and humid weather. It's been downright oppressive here lately, and the current flareup hasn't gotten any worse. In the past, the heat and humidity would make the flareup embarrassingly severe. The vinegar is obviously a far cheaper alternative to the overpriced stuff that I've already tried; including the obscenely overpriced (and useless) Metrogel at $150 a tube.
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April 16, 2008


It helped my acne a bit a first. It made my complexion more even.


The smell lingers for quite some time. It stings pretty bad. It did little to help the acne go away.

I used this stuff for about 2 weeks everyday twice a day on a cotton ball. It helped make my skin smoother and a little less red in the morning. I pretty much only worked for the first 3 days and then just made me break out even worse.
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