Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 4, 2009


Makes your skin soft and i think it works for me but my acne is not cleared yet but i go on and off im trying baking soda now again so we'll c ill keep u all updated



Give it a try everyone has different reactions
November 9, 2007


Acne hasn't gotten worse, which is good!!


Smell, but I can tolerate it if it works!

My face has stabalized, not worse, not better. That's good I guess. I've only been using it for 5 days, so I am definitely going to give it more time. I take 2 tbls in the AM and 2 tbls in the PM (about 4:00 pm, before dinner). I like it mixed with apple juice (tastes like apple cider then), grape juice, ginger ale, but I like it best with grape pop!! Try it! You can't taste the vinegar at all! I use it topically morning and night. Once it dries you can't smell a thing. It doesn't make my face dry at all, and sluffs away the dead skin cells. I would highly recommend giving it a try. I have tried NUMEROUS prescription topicals, plus oral antibiotics with absolutely no luck. So stable is better than worse!
May 21, 2015
Well over 1400 shirts and nearly 4000 CD's should keep me gong for a while
May 21, 2015
sorry about the first comment i forgot i had my mouse on paste lol, anyway What about if you have it on your back, chest, on your scalp, and the back of your neck ? will it help in all those areas ?
November 4, 2007


Awesome- Too many pros to count


Smell of course

Buy some, Use it with some water- or green tea if your kinna girly
August 20, 2007


Cheap and easy to use


It kind of stinks.

You can purchase a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar at your local GNC for less than 3bucks, which can last for several months. It didn't do much for my face however it completely cleared up my bacne in 2 weeks and later chest acne in a month.
September 2, 2009


skin feels smoother ?


my face looks worse and my acne is red and inflamed pissed off...

im 15 and have had acne for 3 years nothing ever worked. i bought the acv from a local grocery store maybe thats why its not working for me. do i need braggs organic kind? where can i get it ...
February 13, 2009





I recently picked up some ACV and have been using it topically as well as drinking a small amount daily. After a week i can see SOME results although nothing crazy. I bought White House brand ACV and people are telling me that organic is much better. Does it really matter if i use organic?
March 22, 2009


cheap, smells good



recommend it
January 4, 2009


I tried the Body Ami apple cider vinegar because someone told me it tasted better and it had additional anti oxidants


It stills has a vinegar taste, but it works, and it is more expensive.

I've tried other apple cider vinegar products, but the Body Ami product taste better, and I don't have to add anything else since they add juices and organic honey. My face is definitely more clearer and I have more energy.
February 29, 2008




Destroys skin

This is the most drying thing I've ever done to my skin. It makes me break out worse. At first it seems to dry up the acne, then it just scabs and make horrible marks all over my face and it dries my face out so badly that no amount of ANY lotion could save it. It takes me weeks to repair the damage. I've even tried diluting it to about 12:1 water to vinegar and it just does nothing for me. Guess nothing works for everyone.
December 18, 2008


didn't help much

Love acv as a drink with fish oil pills (4x 1000mg 2x a day)-- keeps me totally clear.