The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
possible overdose since its fat soluble, not water soluble
I had acne since teenage years and until I found roaccutane that cured me. However after giving birth to 2 beautiful daughters, my acne is back. Not as severe but it’s those irritating like milia mainly on my jawline to neck. Very irritating because there is no head and I can only get rid of them by going for profession facial extraction. After extraction the milia come back after days. So I decided to try vitamin A and started with 10,000 for a month and no results so up to 20,000 for a month now still the same. Anyone can give some advice pls? I’m still breastfeeding so I don’t want to take megadose and I only take it after breastfeeding the final night feed (hopefully it won’t get into my girl’s system after 12 hours.)
give me some light pls?
Made skin a little less oily, cleared up some blackheads, and didnt wake up with white heads everymorning.
Dried up lips big time, made my hair start falling out. No lie, I am 22 and my hair is thinning out and I Never had a problem untill the vitamin A. Be careful with this stuff, it is a little dangerous.
Cheap, natural weaker equivelent of Accutane, over the counter, good against blackheads
take a while to work
Affordable, no prescription necessary, easy to get at local grocery store
Possible liver damage if you take too much, can make you feel kind of sick if you ingest large quantities, dry skin
cleared me up for about a month