Nature's Way : Vitamin A

54 Reviews

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May 9, 2016
I was severely depressed being 24 and still having horrible acne. Okay not horrible it was mild but it was a build up because I dealt with severe acne growing up and the only thing that made it mild was dieting , cutting out dairy and sweets and cows milk I switched to almond milk and I went to an allergist to find out I was also allergic to eggs and peanuts which gave me forehead and chin acne. I sacrafice and cut these all out and started to lose a lot of weight because I was paranoid if every food because I still Mildly broke out. I took vitamin A before when I was about 18 and broke out so badly that I just toss the whole bottle but it was the beta caretone version. This year my sister said she was gonna try NOW brand vitamin A and I warned her that it broke me out badly in the past and not to. But she listened to the good reviews on here and purchased. I notice that her skin was clearing after a week and so smooth and then after three weeks no new acne. I had nothing to lose I was so depress because I my mild acne was becoming bad again and I was tired of losing weight and watching my diet so much. I tried her bottle before I bought my own and listen to me, my skin PURGED! This is retinoids version so idk if there is a difference with beta caretone but this version also broke me out in the first 4 days. I'm at th point of my life where there is nothing to lose so when I purged I didn't even react much like I use to. It's either you wanna purge to clear skin or you want to not purge and not ever experience the great affects of Vitamin A. The purge was like a week and then my skin started clearing and better yet HEALING! My red marks started getting a faded gray which is better because it was easier to lighten with fade cream! I'm a Caremel African American and I started to scar so easily until this vitamin. You want to know the best part of the vitamin? I can eat what I want now ! I still avoid peanuts and eggs but sweets I can finally eat again because vitamin A helps so much that I stopped breaking out. If I do it's sooooo small and last like a day or two, really small small small bump. So small and that's rarely. I have my life back and even though I'm healthier now with my diet since I'm use to it now I can still cheat and eat what I want and not suffer consequences. If you take this vitamin please take vitamin d3 with it which also helps with skin. Also make sure you take one a day not two, and also buy NOW version (Retinol) thank you so much vitamin A, my bacne is gone, my acne is pretty much non existence and I'm not scared of food anymore. It really saved my life and saved my summer. Also thank my sister for not listening to me. Acne will slowly cure or greatly vanish from the ROOT problem. Not just external factors you have to start from internal! Try it!
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June 25, 2014
Vitamin A supplements damaged my liver!
I ignored all of the cautions about vitamin A toxicity and thought that "they" wouldn't sell a product over the counter if it could be dangerous. And, I thought, it's just a vitamin so how much harm could it do?? The answer is A LOT. I took high doses of Vitamin A (can't remember how much exactly but somewhere between 25,000 and 50,000 IU, and within a couple weeks, I was getting nauseous after every meal. I passed out twice, once in a restaurant after breakfast and once in my parent's kitchen. When I went to the doctor, they discovered my liver was inflamed. The problem is that Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, no a water soluble one, so it only leaves your body when fat stores are burned. In other words, once you reach toxic levels it's not easy to detox. Here's some science to back up what I'm saying: [link edited out] Long story short, it's been years, and I only took it for a couple weeks, and I'm still showing signs of liver disease. And for those of you whose vanity prevents you from caring about your health, you should know that disease in the liver often manifests in your complexion and your nail and hair health. People who are dying of liver failure have gross, sallow, pasty complexions with large pores. Bottom line, it's NOT worth it. Stay away.
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October 12, 2015
How many pills were you taking each day?
May 8, 2010


cleared me up for about a month


possible overdose since its fat soluble, not water soluble

i found a treatment online (which i believed worked mostly due to the vitamin A) that i decided to try which consisted of 50,000IU of vitamin A 3 times daily, along with zinc, niacin, and vitamin E. it cleared me up almost completely within a week and stayed that way for a month but then it seems i developed an immunity to the large amount of vitamin A. its a good, cheap product to try out, but i would suggest taking no more than 100,000IU a day
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November 28, 2020
Still no results after using for 2 months (20,000iu)

I had acne since teenage years and until I found roaccutane that cured me. However after giving birth to 2 beautiful daughters, my acne is back. Not as severe but it’s those irritating like milia mainly on my jawline to neck. Very irritating because there is no head and I can only get rid of them by going for profession facial extraction. After extraction the milia come back after days. So I decided to try vitamin A and started with 10,000 for a month and no results so up to 20,000 for a month now still the same. Anyone can give some advice pls? I’m still breastfeeding so I don’t want to take megadose and I only take it after breastfeeding the final night feed (hopefully it won’t get into my girl’s system after 12 hours.)

give me some light pls?



November 4, 2021

Take some zinc with that. Vitamin A doesn't work without sufficient zinc :smileys_n_people_82:

April 27, 2018
Doesn't work at all, at least not within 30 days
I once used roaccutane (some derivative of vitamin a) that cleared my acne completely. Now, many years later, I'm starting to relapse, so I thought I wanted to try over-the-counter vitamin a. I took 4400 micrograms/day (1500 IU) for 30 days with zero results. I took before and after photos each week or so and compared them carefully. Nothing, it's not working at all. I have superficial acne, not cystic.
November 14, 2018
That was a very low dose to show any effect on your skin.. up it at least to 10,000 IU per day (still you are in the safe side). I know girls who got good results combining 10,000 IU vit a With zinc for better absorption, for months and had fantastic results.. try vital nutrient (fish liver oil) or the now brand (retinyl palmitate + fish liver oil).. most people get good results taking 50,000 to 100,000 IU for 3 months.. I know megadosing!.. that's a personal thing, you have to do your own research before taking this step
November 14, 2018
Currently Im taking 60,000 IU per day (now brand, thinking to switch to vital) and my skin is purging.. I'm happy with the purging as it means that its working yaay! Im a lab tech so I can do my lipid profile and lft monthly to make sure that everything is fine
February 4, 2018
Did nothing for my mild acne
17 yo m . I Have taken 10k IU of vit A along with zinc and i believe they did nothing..
June 9, 2016
Here we go again...
I'm about to start taking a daily 10,000 IU dosage of Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate, a little bit less potent than retinol) while also applying Epiduo at night (I haven't seen a change while on Epiduo but I'm scared to stop the treatment). I hope this works and I can finally get rid of my mild acne. Could anyone tell me if this is a safe or good idea? Thank you. :)
November 30, 2009


Made skin a little less oily, cleared up some blackheads, and didnt wake up with white heads everymorning.


Dried up lips big time, made my hair start falling out. No lie, I am 22 and my hair is thinning out and I Never had a problem untill the vitamin A. Be careful with this stuff, it is a little dangerous.

Sure it gave me minimal results, it did not clear my acne, it alleviated it a little, but then automatically came back as soon as I stopped taking it, then if I continued to take it, the more side effects I would get. It is too risky, not worth it. Try the regimen, that is the best thing that worked for me.
January 2, 2008


Cheap, natural weaker equivelent of Accutane, over the counter, good against blackheads


take a while to work

This wont clear your face up but it may help if you take quite a few. I used to get blacheads on my nose and forehead. After taking these supplements they went, only to return after i stopped taking them.
June 25, 2008


Affordable, no prescription necessary, easy to get at local grocery store


Possible liver damage if you take too much, can make you feel kind of sick if you ingest large quantities, dry skin

It did clear up partly for a month - then it went back to the way it was before. I think any dose high enough to have an effect similar to Accutane is also high enough to do some pretty nasty things to your body (liver damage, etc).