Vitamin C

119 Reviews

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October 20, 2012


- Tasty
- Speeds up healing a little
- Reduces symptoms of common cold


- Bad for teeth
- Upset stomach
- Not very useful for acne

Very useful if you are looking for something that alleviates symptoms of the common cold or to spee up healing, but not useful regarding acne.
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January 29, 2010


Healthy looking skin, fades scars.



I have been taking 1000mg of vitamin c with rosehips for more than a year now; until then i have not had flue; It also helps my skin to become more smoother and acne scars fade away easily. Take it! If it wouldn't help you with your pimples then just use it to have a healthy body and fight diseases.
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July 31, 2007


Pretty much can clear moderate acne in under three days and also keeps your immune system boosted!


The pill is a little big..

After two years of trying to clear my acne - I almost gave up. Acne caused me to be depressed and ashamed of myself..Now my face has a few zits and one whitehead on my chin and the rest of my skin is clear and soft! I know that I'll be looking great by the time school starts!! Only two days and WOW! I used this with Minocycline and Brevoxyl Creamy wash...Definitely going to recommend this to anyone and everyone I know!
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April 26, 2017
Great for Cystic Acne
I've recently made a post about how I got my severe cystic acne (almost) under complete control. I mentioned that sheet masks have helped tremendously for my breakouts and the overall health of my skin. There's two brands of sheet masks I've used that are specifically vitamin c masks and they're definitely some of my favorites. There's a brand called Andalou and their Instant Brighten & Tighten vitamin c mask is my ultimate favorite. Soo Ae also has a good vitamin c mask, but it's a little thicker than some people with acne might feel okay using (I've used it without a problem, but I don't usually tend to get regular acne, mainly cystic, but sometimes I'll get a flare up of reg acne that I know is hormonal). Not only does vitamin c help prevent/reduce breakouts, but vitamin c is anti aging and is helping my skin heal after years of neglecting it. I hope to find a good vitamin c daily moisturizer sometime soon.
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March 31, 2009


Pantothenic acid aka vita B5 got rid of some acne, but I still had horrible acne around my jaw line and mouth. I started taking vita C because I got really sick and with in like three days the acne around my mouth and jaw was almost gone.


I noticed that even though the acne around my jaw and mouth was clearing up I started breaking out on my forehead....I would much rather have it on my forehead then around my mouth....looks better when you kiss people....LOL

Bottom line Vita C helps but I think it should be taken with high doses of Pantothenic Acid aka Vita B5 I have not tried it but I think that the effects that B5 has on your skin added with the effects of Vita C it might just do the trick....drinking lots of water and eating a more balanced diet has also helped
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February 22, 2012


Repairs dry or damaged skin
Rejuvenates skin
Helps irritation
Helps eliminate redness or swelling


Doesn't assist in acne treatment HOWEVER does NOT clog pores or causes breakouts

If your skin feels irritated and is red or itchy, Vitamin C can help hydrate and heal your skin.
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March 29, 2007


cleared up my forehead in a week. faded scars.


made me break out BAD on the rest of my face.

i used it for a month and stopped once i figured out that it was causing all my new facial acne. my forehead has started breaking out again, but i haven't had one new breakout anywhere on the rest of my face. :] now i'm back to my old regimen and not taking ANY vitamins. ugh. i wish i had never started.
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July 5, 2017
Fantastic at the right dosage...
My diet isn't the greatest (don't eat enough fruit and veg) and I don't think I get enough vitamin C. To combat the common cold, bruising easily and improving my immune system I started to eat kiwi fruit (1 or 2 a day) which is high in vitamin C and I noticed a remarkable improvement in my skin and it clicked! Maybe I just need more vitamin C in my diet. I didn't always feel like eating kiwis every day so got Vitamin C chewables at 1000mg each. Took one-a-day for a week but I think the dosage was far too high! I had to keep urinating and pretty certain I got a UTI. Thankfully had some antibiotics on hand to get rid of it. Plus I used to get terrible headaches and I'm sure this was because of the vitamin C. I have a very small frame and am under 5ft so I figured I would limit the amount of vitamin C and got a lower dosage for kids. So now I take 2x 80mg chewables and have been doing so for nearly a year, I could probably take more but don't think it's necessary. My acne has improved remarkably. Overall thoughts: It doesn't hurt to take vitamin C. I'm pretty certain it has contributed to my skin looking a lot better, I don't get as many spots on my forehead. I've also changed my face cleansing routine so maybe that is also a positive factor. Less sugar/dairy in my diet too!
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October 18, 2010


really good for you.
Clears Acne(:
Produces collagen to help wrinkles



Go Get IT !!
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March 22, 2011


Glowing skin, helps get rid of acne scars a little faster than normal


Caused me to break out on my chin

I've been using Vitamin C for a week and it has helped my small/medium acne scars heal nicely. It definitely isn't an overnight solution to get rid of acne/acne scars (at least not for me), but it is worth a try because it has sped up the healing process. My skin tone looks almost the way that it would look in the summer time which is great!! I started out taking 2,000 mg of Vitamin C for 3 days (plus 60 mg that is in a Daily Multiple Vitamin that I take). On the third day, 2 pimples that were inactive under my skin flared up very quickly and I was able to pop both of them (luckily!). After the third day, I decided to cut back to 1,060 mg of Vitamin C per day plus eating a couple of oranges. Since then, the Vitamin C caused two other pimples to flare up on my chin. I get those under the skin/cyst-like pimples on my chin so I have to stop with the Vitamin C. It's a shame that Vitamin C is causing pimples on my chin because it has worked nicely on the rest of my face :( Even with the pimples that have popped up on my chin, I'd still recommend trying Vitamin C. I'll just stick with taking what is in my Daily Multiple Vitamin and eating some oranges. It's worth a try, but just know that it most likely won't be an overnight solution and it's possible that it may cause acne to flare up.
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