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March 17, 2010
1) just one, the garlic breath.
Garlic won't cure the problem; it won't get rid of acne on its own, however it helps to control and reduce the severity of the break-outs, and reduce break-outs all together.
Garlic has powerful antibiotic properties and is a general blood cleanser, so it cleans out your body from the inside.
Costume 2 cloves of garlic a day by crushing them (garlic press/crusher) and mixing them into a thick drink like tomato juice. This will hide the strong taste. I usually drink it at night, just before brushing my teeth. The two following brushes (that night, and the following morning) usually remove the garlic smell entirely.
note: Garlic's most powerful medicinal compounds are released when it's eaten raw and crushed, therefore do not skip this step!
Add this to your routine. Doing this regularly (I recommend daily), will help tremendously with your skin, and general health. I have done this for 3 months it has help incredibly!
June 1, 2015
Garlic burns!!
I applied crushed garlic on a pimple and now it has caused a black pigment around that area. Should I have mixed water or tomato juice with that crushed garlic and applied it on my face. How long will the pigment take to disappear? Any way to get rid of these spots?
January 3, 2010
It works and gives my skin a healthy glow after only an hour or so of consuming and lasts all day.
Garlic breath
Please don't crush a clove and use it topically on your face! You may burn/blister your skin as some have already done. It is a very effective remedy for acne and cystic acne when taken internally (speaking from personal experience on both accounts). Two cloves a day is all you need and you will see results nearly immediately within the first couple of days. It is important that the clove is raw. It is important that it is crushed or you chew on it well (it is spicy and will burn but the beneficial chemical is only made when the clove is crushed. That chemical is also what burns and can 'litterally' burn sensitive skin. Again - don't put it on your face!). I've heard some people grate it in their V8 and drink it because it's more palatable that way, I personally haven't tried that but it sounds good. Once your acne clears up, continue with regimine for another week or so before stopping and your skin should remain clear long afterwards. Now I only use garlic 'as needed' which is rarely.
June 17, 2015
Take garlic orally!
I have moderate to severe acne. I went to a dermatologist, and she prescribed me cephalexin. Cephalexin did nothing but give me sever yeast infections, that would keep coming back even when i took medications for it. I decided to use garlic to see if it might help with the infections. To my surprise after a few days of taking garlic orally, it cleared up my yeast infections, and my acne had improved significantly. Now i have stopped taking Cephalexin, and i crush two cloves of garlic, put it in a glass of water and drink it down every morning and night. I also add it to meals. You have to crush it, other wise it might not work. I would not recommend just swallowing a clove of garlic. After four years of dealing with acne, and trying a million different treatments, i have never had something work so well for my skin.I also drink a glass of water mixed with one tablespoon of raw, un-filtered apple cider vinegar one-two times a day. And i use diluted ACV as a face wash/toner, and it really has improved my acne marks/scars. But keep in mind, that just like any acne medication, you must be consistent. I did not take garlic one morning and i noticed that i got a few new pimples. I would definitely recommend taking garlic, because even if it doesn't help your skin it is incredibly good for you!
June 9, 2010
Work GREAT!!! Reduces pimple size, redness, and makes complexion amazing! Plus it's Cheap!
It burns and smells like garlic of course.
I used this remedy for the first time last night and I couldn't believe the results, nothing has worked as fast or as good. It burned pretty bad the first ten minutes or so and then the burning goes away and you can feel your pores tightening. Within minutes I could see the size of my pimples going down. Incredible!!
I crushed a garlic clove to get the juices out of it and rubbed the juice on my face before i went to bed and then went to sleep with it on, and then washed it off when I woke up. Works Great! Highly recommended. I'm doing it again tonight, I currently have it on my face, and i can't believe the progression of my face. My complexion has a glow to it now and my pores are tighter and the redness is going away and the acne is quickly clearing and already is drastically small in size.
October 12, 2011
Amazingly effective natural treatment when eaten at least a few times a week.
Garlic odor is the only side effect I've experienced
I am absolutely shocked at how effective eating garlic cloves has been for me. I've been a sufferer of cystic and moderate acne for about 10 years and have tried everything literally. I actually stumbled onto garlic without initially intending to use it as a treatment, and the results have been jaw dropping. I highly recommend everyone try it. It may not work for everyone but it certainly has for me.
March 17, 2016
Works like nothing else for rosacea!
I was extremely hesitant to try this based upon some of the other reviews on this site. However, I've been dealing with chronically red, flaky, bumpy pimples for the past 20 years. I never had acne as a teenager, but as soon as I hit my 20's things got ugly. For the past two weeks, I've been splitting a raw garlic clove in half each night, rubbing it on my face after first splashing it with water, and then washing it off with facial cleanser about 10-15 minutes later. My pimples and redness disappeared almost instantly, and the flaky, peeling skin is almost gone at this point. The downside is that as soon as you sweat or wash your face again, you smell like raw garlic. I'm more than willing to live with this minor side effect, especially since it smells better than sodium sulfacetamide / sulfur facial wash residue does for days after use (and it works far better without drying the skin). Maybe the reason why this has worked so well for me is because I've got rosacea acne, which is theorized to be caused by demodex mites. Maybe it's toxic to mites? All I know is that for me, it's been pretty great so far.
January 30, 2011
Reduces inflammation and whiteheads
Smell and taste when raw
I love garlic when it's cooked. I have never tried raw garlic before, but since my acne hasn't gone by just using an antibacterial soap, I tried garlic.
Garlic works! You need to basically take it raw and fresh. Cut the garlic into tiny tiny pieces and put it in a glass of water. Then, just use the knife and mix the water well.
Drink it down! It's that fast. You don't need to actually chew it!
Raw garlic is the best remedy for any kind of bacterial infections.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic and this is all you need to fight acne inside out!
I've been using it for a week. Been eating it. The smell in your mouth does not last. But you gotta brush your teeth.
Plus, it's very very cheap!
Warning: Do not put this stuff topically, It will burn your skin! Drink it's juices with water.
Allicin, the antibiotic, will only work if the garlic is crushed fresh and raw!
November 18, 2015
Heals the inflamation but burns the skin
I've tried out lots of things for my acne and then I heard that garlic can be a great treatment.
I had lots of pimples on my jawline - these were inflamed acne and I couldn't do anything with them... So one night I decided to try garlic. I washed and clened my face and then I put crushed garlic on a cotton ball and put it on my jawline on the pimples.
It was very hurtful but I let it on for 10-15 minutes. Why I give 2 stars is because the inflamation has gone by using garlic, BUT my skin also has gone... I mean it burned my skin so much. First I had a big red spot on my face, then it turned into purple and theeeen my skin fell off and under this burned skin I saw a fresh pink skin... It was hurtful and I thought that it will stay like this. But it happened a month ago and my skin healed. No big spot on my face and no inflamation. But I would never try it again. And I think this is not the best solution... I would offer lemon and ACV instead of this garlic treatment. ACV and lemon can help a lot!!
December 9, 2009
gets rid of bumps, acne
i've had acne ever since i was 12 and i've gone to docters on many occasions. i've used medication orally and topically from amoxicilin to benzol proxide. nothing really worked one day i did a research on the net about natural ways of getting rid of acne untill i found out about garlic. first i started using the raw garlic itself on my face. it burned my skin it didn't really work. i actually got burn marks too. soo i decided to change my method. i chopped one clove of garlic in a fruit chopper and added it with a little bit of water usually 3/4 water with 1/4 garlic. so i mixed the garlic and water with a spoon to let the juice come out and then i applied the water itself on my face. of cource you get a burning senation for 10 minnuets but it goes away.
guys believe me after doing this for almost a month all the acne on my face is gone . my skin is cleared up and last time that i went to the doctor for ichy scalp my doctor was totally imazed.
reduce usage after ur acne is gone
1) Amazing for fighting acne from the inside out
2) science has shown that garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic
3) Body does not build up resistance
4) Cheap...we all love that!