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June 10, 2009
It is expensive but the results are worth it. I have been off all medication now for 4 years. I get the occasional spot but nothing like before. After I had had the treatment I researched the make up I used. I use Bare Essentuals mineral makeup combined with MD formulations skincare products. There are lots of mineral products available now, however, some of them have chemicals in, BE is the first and recommended by the skin cancer foundation. MD is amazing, it has glycolic acid in it and keeps spots at bay! ACNE medication has hideous side effects, I can't recommend N-Lite enough. I also have regular colonics which is highly recommended for treating acne as it clears all imputities. You need to keep at it, and look after your skin.
everything. I had 4 sessions on the n-lite and after 6 months had NO acne. It does take time but the results are worth while. I was on antibiotics for 12 years and it left me with major problems including depression.