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Very dehydrating. Also, after being on it for 6 months I broke out in a hive-like rash on my arms and legs. The doctors advised that I discontinue spiro because they were not sure what caused the rash. The rash cleared up within 1 week of stopping.
Nothing has cleared my skin like this has, ive been on it for a while now, well over a year, and although i do still get a couple pimples and cysts every now and then it is nothing compared to what i used to get.
The only con i have noticed is the frequent peeing.
Got rid of my acne all over my face in one week. Oil production way down.
It makes me pee a lot, so I only take it once a week now instead of every day. Works great like that.
cheap..no side effects,less oil, clear skin...it works!
nothing. initial breakout on the second week.
Amazing to hormonal acne. My derm prescribed this when I lived in San Antonio but since I've lived in IL, no doc has wanted to prescribe it. I used it for about a year and then moved, and then ran out. It works! Be patient.
Urination, skipped periods.
lost water weight, skin was producing less oil
Had severe allergic reaction and ended up in the ER.
clear skin, less body and facial hair growth
excessive peeing =( thurst, occasional dry eys
My hair is not oily anymore, my skin is starting to clear, i have lost some weight
I had a HORRIBLE breakout at the beginning and i am just now getting over that. My fave hurt so bad from all the acne. i had it on my arms, stomach, and chest. My mouth is constantly dry and i always feel like i need to be drinking something.
Clears up acne faster and better than anything else I've tried!!!
Haven't noticed any although I hear slight to moderate dehydration and dizziness are the common ones.
Skin is slightly less oily.
Still getting some cystic acne on chin and upper lip...a little more than usual.Thinking of getting an antibiotic.
Spiro cleared my cystic acne within 2 weeks. I started with 25mg twice a day and moved up to 50mg twice a day after 1 week. My skin was very clear and I went from having very oily skin to normal skin. I loved it!!!