Topical Retinoid
1972 Reviews
Topical Retinoid
Based on All Available Studies
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Topical Retinoid
Side Effects
Topical Retinoid’s Real World Take
Works about the same as the other two topical retinoids, tazarotene and adapalene, and lands in the middle of those two when it comes to side effects. Should provide partial clearing, but comes with sensitivity when you first start using it. It probably won’t be a total game changer but it should help reduce acne.
Topical Retinoid
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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March 6, 2010


This product works. I had moderate acne and I have been using it for a little over a month and my biggest breakouts have dissappeared or are dried out. Skin is much smooth now with a nice texture. New breakouts have been minimized as well.


After using it for 1 week, my skin broke out very badly for the 2nd and third weeks. This was very depressing. My acne went from moderate to moderately severe. My skin around my mouth started flaking a lot and dry. Was a little painful to smile.

This product works but you have to keep using it past the bad breakout part. I am just waiting for it to fade my PIH marks now. Hopefully this will happen after 2 months...I have seen a little improvement in the PIH marks but not that much. However, they are smooth now...but they haven't gotten that much lighter in color. I recommend this product to people with moderate to moderately severe acne.
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September 17, 2009


Been working great for me! Im on .1% and so far my skin looks smooth and much more clear


sensitive to the sun. Take a good 6 months before it starts to really work.

I absolutely love this product!!! Ive been using it for years and it brings a glow to my complection as well as clear the acne. Not only does it make my skin clear and smooth but I have no wrinkles! Thats definitly a plus!!! Over all YOU MUST STICK TO THE PRODUCT OR U WILL NOT SEE RESULTS!! this medication is not meant to work over nite or in a few weeks!! I too broke out 3rd week of using it but if ur patient like i was you will see results in a few months.
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January 29, 2013


Smooths out skin's texture.
Provides consistent acne fighting results.
Eliminates blackheads.
Calms the appearance of redness.
Fades dark spots.


Requires patience (cannot stress this enough).
Flakiness due to cell turnover.
Sensitivity to the sun.

I have been on Retin-A for about a year and a half and let me tell you, it really works! I had normal pimples here and there during my early to late teens. At around 20 to 21 I noticed my acne getting worse. Cysts began forming underneath my skin and it became painful. That's when I first saw a dermatologist. I began using Retin-A in the 0.1% strength and within days saw improvement. One and a half years later and I continue to use it religiously. It works wonders but the key is consistency.
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January 22, 2012


It works. lol


Redness/Irritation (without a good moisturizer)
Increased sensitivity of skin

I am currently using .05 level of generic tretinoin cream and it's awesome. I believe it is offered in a gel (not sure though) but I wouldn't recommend that to anyone because the cream is good enough(for me). Texture is Very light, smooth and creamy. Spreads incredibly well, BUT you have to make sure you cover the intended area fast because it does sink in/dry quite quickly. Smells like crayons. sortof chalky? For me personally, there was no "initial breakout" or purge simply because I had already been priorly using other acne treating skincare, such as benzoyl peroxide and aha, that had already handled a majority of my acne. In regards to the peeling.. it sucks. Especially in the beginning when you're trying to get used to it all. And sorry to say it, but it actually does not get better, UNTIL you find a very good moisturizer CeraVe is my personal fave at the moment. The thing with applying moisturizer is this; some say it will lessen the effects of the tretinoin if applied together, however after MUCH peeling and irritation, I couldn't hold it any longer and gave using it with moisturizer a shot. I have had ZERO issues. It still works incredibly well, except the result is better now because my skin stays calm, hydrated & supple while also getting treated with an incredible exfoliant. I personally apply moisturizer first and then follow with tretinoin around 10 minutes after, but I have also tried the other way and it works fine, but if you are experiencing more extreme dehydration or dryness/peeling/etc., moisturizer first will help replenish your skin better. ** My skin has cleared up, but most importantly for me, my hyper pigmentation and scars have faded tremendously. Cons: Peeling, but with a good moisturizer can be reduced. Skin is more sensitive. I cant use any physical scrubs at all, they hurt. But thats fine cause I dont need them anyway. I also now seem to have a SLIGHT more red-ish skintone
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December 15, 2011


Acne doesn't get worse if u use an antibiotic and Retin A together.


Very dry skin (but absolutely normal youre putting acid on youre face)
Skin does get red in the beginning but cleared up after 1,5 week you just have to get true it! And there never a good time to start so start now! You will forget it when your'e skin is looking good again!

Mild acne on forehead and cheeks.... I should only try using this for acne if with an antibiotic, its pretty weird that people who suffer from acne don't get Retin A and an antibiotic together no wonder it doesn't work for some! I think that only happens to people who get it prescribed by their family docters any dermatoligist would subscribe both im sure. So if it doesn't work for you you should stand on it you get a topical antibiotic to go with Retin A, i personaly use Eryance, have been using it now for 2,5 weeks and OMG the combination works wonders! All the acne and dark spots are starting to go away my skin in smooth! Did not get worse in the beginning but again thats definatley due to the antibiotic. Good luck peeps, i will stay on this for sure! But not every day i think i will cut back in a week from now to once every two days instead of every day as i do now. And for the people with sensitive skin i can imagine it could be too agressive i personaly dont have that. Did and still suffering from extreme dryness en peeling but no wonder youre skin is getting a toxic peel. Excuse my bad english im Dutch. All medicine are Free in Holland because of social health care!
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December 3, 2011


- brighter, smoother, more even skin
- no initial breakout
- works deep down
- bonus: supposedly hides wrinkles!


- my skin sometimes switches from very dry to slightly oily
- sometimes irritating, though that is lessining with time
- can be expensive without insurance (I think mine would have been around $175)

So I'm 25 years old, female- and my acne was getting worse than it was in high school. I've always had blackheads on my nose and chin, but the past few years have brought on deep acne in my chin and jaw line. It tends to be hormonal, and I often would have just one clear week of the month. And even though I was clear, there were ALWAYS underground blemishes just waiting to pop up... my chin was a minefield. And being impatient and frustrated, I almost always ended up popping them, leaving me with tons of pigmented spots. I've been using this regimen for 4 weeks(see below), and I've noticed a HUGE improvement in the underground acne that's lurking beneath in addition to my skin tone. Though I still have a ways to go before my coloration is completely even and my chin is fully clear, I haven't used any other products that have worked this quickly. My skin is smoother and brighter. I finally have hope for clear skin!! Luckily, I did not experience the initial break-out (knock on wood). I've had a few breakouts since I've been using these products, but nothing that I hadn't already been through. I think that the clindamycin/benzoyl gel may be helping with that, as I believe it is partly an antibiotic. To start out, my dermatologist told me to use the tretinoin every third night, which was a great recommendation. At first it was slightly irritating, and there was some very intense drying and redness. That pretty much was just from the 2nd to the 3rd week. I just started using the tretinoin every other night, which has been great. Here is my current full regimen: -wash with Loreal Go 360 Deep Clean -Tretinoin Cream .025% every other night (applied at least 20 minutes after washing) -Clindamycin Phosphate/Benzoyl Peroxide Gel on the alternate nights, and sometimes in morning (though morning sometimes tends to irritate, and I try to wait a while to apply this as well) -still trying to find a good moisturizer
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November 6, 2011


My skin is wayyyy smoother already
waking up and not finding 4-5 new spots have developed over night
being able to wear makeup without breaking out.
not running my finger across my check and feeling 100s of raised red pores ^_^


nothing really, i accidently got some on the corner of my lip which made it scab, but thats my fault
my skin occasionally burns VERY slightly when i put on my spf moisturiser (its important to use high spf) and only apply this at night. I have no flaking, but my skin is very greasy anyway and i am using moisturiser regularly with spf30

I suffer from largely comedomic acne with some pustules. I am 27, have had acne `13 years and been on most things except accutane. This stuff is awesome, I am going to write another review later on to let you know if it keeps it up, So far my skin is sooo smooth, before it was like every pore was raised, and then around my period loads of these would develop into pustules. I am premenstrual now, and only have small pustules, usually it would be all over my cheeks. I am also taking much more pride over my appearance because before I was terrified to use foundation unless i was going out with friends as i would ALWAYS break out. Now I wear makeup everyday and feel like a new person. So fingers crossed, I will keep this updated. by the way, I bought a generic called acnellyse, it costs about £10 including postage on ebay. check it out if your interested, as I can see some people are paying through the nose..
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July 4, 2011


*Cleared my acne up 100%
*lightening scars
*gave me my confidence back
*have to wear way less makeup


*At first gives IB but then clears it allllll up wonderfully
*Have to wear high SPF
*sometimes my skin gets burny or itchy when I am out in the sun too long
*takes a long time to work but well worth the wait I LOVE this stuff. I have to admit, at first I hated it. It gave me a small inital breakout, made my skin super dry and peely, and since I was an avid swimmer it make my skin sooo dry. I was thinking about stopping this product, but I'm SO glad I didn't. Before I started using this product I had atleast 40 awful zits on my face, and I have been using this since March and my skin is 100% pimple free. I only get like one around the time of my period and it fades quickly. I was sadly left with alot of PIH after my breakouts cleared but this has been helping to fade them rather well. Pleasplease try it, if you notice my acne severity says "very light" that is because of this, I wish I could put "non exsistant" If you use this along with spirnolactone you acne will dissappear! Good Luck!
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February 17, 2011


Fast acting!

Eliminates cysts and small bumps





Office visit

I have used this product before for a whole year. I use to glob it on and I didn't wait 20 minutes after wash to apply the medicine. HUGE MISTAKE!!! My acne never cleared up and my face use to be so oily and red. After reading the reviews I now only use a small pea size. I wait to apply the medicine after 20 to 30 minutes after cleansing. Now that I followed the recommended usage my face is now 90% clear and my skin looks shiny and new. I wish I had done this sooner!!!
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January 16, 2011


Clears acne
Gets rid of acne scars


Takes a while to start working
Dries out skin

I started using Tretinoin a few months ago, my acne was at a pretty normal amount but I was so sick of it (I tried pretty much every drug store product I could get my hands on) I decided it was time for a prescription product. So far Tretinoin has worked great for me, I did not have a bad initial breakout at all, my acne level stayed the same for the first few weeks.The only thing that I don't like about it now is that it dries out my skin very much and makes it very sensitive. Tips: Only apply a PEA SIZE or it will make your skin worse. Use a gentle face wash (I use cetaphil and highly recomend it)
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.