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February 9, 2012
too much can lead to fatigue
i excerise daily(running) and not only has it helped me on improving my acne but it also increased my overall health. i personally think everyone should be exercising at least 20 minutes a day
February 1, 2013
* Less stress
* Better clothing size (Went from a 8 to a 4 !)
* Stronger muscles
* Skin has a glow to it
* Legs and arms look toned
* If you don't wash your face to remove all the sweat after you work out, that can lead to more breakouts.
This isn't gonna work just by itself, think of it as a sort of supplment to things like the regimen. Since running/walking/swimming/yoga/tae kwon do everyday (I like to mix it up!) my skin has been looking better, my weight and stress levels have gone down, and I just feel better. I've been getting less whiteheads and my skin has a sort of healthy glow to it.
October 31, 2017
Don't do it for your acne, do it for your overall wellbeing
As part of a lifestyle overhaul for me, my regular aerobic exercise certainly doesn't hurt anything. I cleanse my face before and after I exercise and while I can't know that it's the exercise that is doing it, my acne has lessened a bit. It's said that exercise stimulates blood flow to the skin and helps unclog pores through sweating, both of which are beneficial. I think the greatest benefit for me is the stress management effect of exercising, which can certainly lead to fewer acne breakouts. Since beginning my treadmill routine I am naturally less inclined to eat things I shouldn't due to not wanting to negate my workout efforts. Net effect = healthier body/mind and slightly fewer pimples.
Relieve stress
Better than watching T.V
Burn calories
Maintain and improve general health