Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)

191 Reviews

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February 23, 2009


It does reduce breakouts if you drink it


Quite possibly one of the nastiest smell and taste ever.

Not good for sensitive stomaches

Try it but if you're like me who has a sensitive stomache don't try it. Because you will regret it. It made me puke blood...I kept trying to fugure out WTF is wrong with me. Than I told myself either I'm mortally sick or it's the damn vinegar.
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October 18, 2008


the taste at first almost made me gag, but im getting used to it. as long as i can see the improvements, im down for whatever works.

ok so ive been reading up online about this for a WHILE now, and finally got around to buying it. for me, ive been struggling with acne since i was in 7th grade, and now im a freshman in college. yes, it sucks. at first i thought it was the things i ate. so i tried to eat healthier. but even so, i would still get break outs and pimples here and there (especially during my time of the month >_<) its embarassing. so after reading the reviews about this online i figured what would i have to loose... so i finally bought myself a bottle of the braggs organic apple cider vinegar "with the mother". had about 2 tablespoons in a glass of water before i went to bed last night. when i wake up, because i dont have air condition, my face is usually kinda oily and i have new zits and pimples (SUCKS) but this morning i woke up with NO NEW ZITS OR PIMPLES!!!! the only thing i have to work on is getting rid of the blemishes..but really, i have no new pimples, just after ONE time using it
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December 11, 2007


Brought my half flaky / half spotty, sore and bleedy complexion into a healthy state: resilient skin, good oil balance, and blemishes healing with no new spots! Affordable and all-round good for your body.


You have to go hippie-crazy and drink a lot of the stuff. It is boring, smelly and, let's face it, not as pleasant as fruit juice. Full disclosure: armpits smell faintly pickley, but this actually seems to have improved my aroma's chemistry overall.

If you have a weak stomach, drinking an equal amount of plain water each day is probably a close-runner up to the benefits of ACV. However, combined with consistent cleansing / moisturizing / spot-treating, I credit this witch's brew* with giving my skin back some vigour. I can touch my face now! And it doesn't sting! You may understand how desirable that level of comfort is, and I think ACV brought me there. *I drink 1L/2pts each day, with molasses; which smells even worse that ACV, but is vit/min rich. I also eat a spoonful of flax oil per day. I am, incidentally, a 26 year-old vegetarian female.
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December 19, 2016
Not Convincing
ACV has been a great topical for me, but I'm not convinced it does much as a drink. Even when diluted, ACV can be quite harsh on your throat, and it's not very pleasant to consume.
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August 28, 2015
I was really hoping this was gonna work for me... I tried drinking it for a week and just couldn't get used to the taste.. I tried using honey to sweeten it and really diluted it but it was still impossible for me to drink it without feeling sick.. I tried applying it topically too and saw no difference and it stunk up my bathroom... Oh well Im glad it worked for other people! Its worth a try...
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October 10, 2015
I have read the benefits of apple cider and coconut oil. I recommend you reading some info on cold pressed organic coconut oil.... It too is great for EVERYTHING. Maybe this could be for you :)
December 14, 2014
It's very effective though I need to suffer from "purging" days. Hehehe. It's all in the process after all. I've been using it for almost a month and I can clearly say that it helps. At first, it has this tingling or stinging sensation but it disappear afterwards. I use it as a regular toner at night and sometimes during the day, if I'll just stay at home. :) But when my menstruation week is about to come and/or about to end, 1-2 pimples will appear and I guess it's normal. I tried to drink a glass of water with 1-2 tbsp of ACV, but I didn't last long since I'm not used to the taste of it. But you can try it if you want. :) I feel refreshed whenever I use ACV as my toner. I even use yogurt with a mixture of 1 tbsp of honey and 1-2 tsp. of lemon (after I use ACV toner). I use it as a face mask and I'll leave it overnight. It works for me since yogurt mask also helps in healing pimple marks as well as dark spots. You can try to use my advice but I'know that it won't work for everyone. But you've got nothing to lose since I also experienced in having doubts if these stuffs will be helpful or not. Just try and even better, have a proper and balanced diet. I did not eat too much oily and fatty foods for a week, and honestly, I recognized that I didn't have any pimples for a week especially when I continue to use ACV and yogurt-honey-lemon mask :) I'll continue doing this and maintain proper health. I hope my advice will somehow help you. :)
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August 3, 2014
So far it seems to be making a difference...
...I think acv has contributed to reducing the inflammation of my acne and helped with digestion discomfort, I will update this if it seems to be a placebo. I have been taking it for a week and a half...we shall see :) I take 1 tablespoon of acv with a cup of water most days. A few weeks ago I made a hair rinse with it, my hair was soooo shiney, I personally wouldn't recommend doing this too often particularly if you wash your hair every day, it may be to acidic and dry your hair out, I discovered that for myself, but I am going to do it once a month instead and see how I go :) Update: I think this may be a good accompaniment to a balanced diet, but I am yet to find something natural that will balance out my hormones, definitely noticed an increase of inflammatory acne around my menstrual cycle (not due to acv, just an observation over the years)
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November 28, 2008


It works, its cheap, people dont know why your buying it, its easy to do, you can purchase it anywhere, it has allot of other health benefits, it tones your skin out, and all the benefits of being clear


The taste is horrible, very horrible
It smells like vinigar (which i dont like)
It makes you feel hungry all the time

I have no regrets using this. (by the way I paid £2.50 not $2.50 there isnt a £ option)
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September 13, 2008


Cheap as chips! Really seems to be working on clearing up my skin and evening out the tone. ACV is meant to be good for digestion so I believe that is the reason why people's skin gets better (constipation/bowel problems and acne are linked)


It doesn't taste great if you don't like the taste of vinegar (however, I do!).

Try it! It's working for me...
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June 27, 2008


It works! It's cheap! It's easy!


My skin is soooooo dry. I'm trying to find the perfect balance between drinking AVC 2-3 times a day and moisturizing.

It's very tolerable if you drink it with water and honey. The day after I used it I noticed my forehead (breakout central!) was much smoother and NO NEW pimples had erupted overnight! I have been drinking 1 teaspoon with honey and water 2-3 times a day for about 4 days and still have had NO NEW pimples. So far so good! I'm going to keep taking it 3x a day until my period is over and then I'm going to cut back to once a day and see if that will keep acne at bay.
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