Solodyn : Oral Antibiotic

354 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Minocycline hydrochloride.

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, hypromellose type 2910 USP, magnesium stearate NF, colloidal silicon dioxide NF, and carnauba wax NF.

The 45 mg tablets also contain:
Lactose monohydrate NF, hypromellose type 2910 USP, titanium dioxide USP, triacetin USP, and iron oxide black JPE. The 65 mg tablets also contain Opadry II Blue which contains: hypromellose type 2910 USP, lactose monohydrate NF, FD&C Blue #1, polyethylene glycol 3350 NF, FD&C Blue #2, titanium dioxide USP, triacetin USP, and D&C Yellow #10.

90 mg tablets also contain:
Hypromellose type 2910 USP, lactose monohydrate NF, titanium dioxide USP, iron oxide yellow NF, polyethylene glycol 3350 NF, and triacetin USP.

115 mg tablets also contain:
Hypromellose type 2910 USP, lactose monohydrate NF, D&C Yellow #10, triacetin USP, FD&C Blue #1, titanium dioxide USP, and FD&C Blue #2.

135 mg tablets also contain:
Hypromellose type 2910 USP, lactose monohydrate NF, titanium dioxide USP, polyethylene glycol 3350 NF, iron oxide red NF, and triacetin USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 1, 2011


-1 Time a day
-No side effects


-Clearing Up Time

Bottome Line: This is a very good acne medication, with very minimal to do on our end. Simply take it once a day, now the only catch is being patient. It was extremely hard for me to not see any improvements on my overall acne for the first month! It was exactly the 30th day of taking it when I woke up and saw an improvement. I have been on it now on a little under 2 months and can say my acne is pretty much all gone! I have tried other medications and to me, this is one of the best, with very minimal to no side effects. To me, the price is worth very little maintenance, no side effects and good results! Just hang in there and don't knock it until you have tried it for at least a good month!
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March 22, 2010


the first couple of weeks it cleared up my skin really well


After 2 weeks my acne stopped getting better
I had some side effects that i wasn't ok with like sever headaches and vaginal itching and swelling

It worked well for the first couple of weeks but for me the side effects weren't worth what it was doing for me. So i am going back to my derm to try something different
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March 20, 2016
Side effects.
Solodyn (Minocycline) side effects. Had a sebaceous cyst removed. After 14 days, was oozing some and doctor couldn't determine if was infected so gave some samples of Solodyn of 80 mg. Infection seemed to go away but was some seeping after I quit early because of other side effects. Didn't clear up any life long acne. When I quit, the acne got worse for about a month. After approximately 3 months, no change. SOLODYN left a greyish discoloration of the skin on my back of around 10 inches in diameter. Tiredness after approx. 5 days but didn't attribute that to the drug until more symptoms started to occurr including tighter tendons and muscles, the feeling moving fast might cause a charly horse in legs, a short headache (almost never get these), a few seconds of ringing in the ears (rare for me),woozy heavy head, chills(indicates fever) that I sweated out in one day, abnormal achy, spent more and more time in bed dragged down, my knees started to get sore (Not Normal at all), and vertigo when I rose from bed that would go away if I sat on the edge of the bed for a moment. Quit the meds 10 days in because it became clear they were deleterious. Started improving immediately but took about a month to feel totally myself again. I also took Probiotics to avoid diarhea which started to happen with this drug but went away afterwards if I took them daily. I kept taking probiotics for at least a month afterward to correct that. Read the paper that came with the bottle regarding side effects. Not just the back of the bottle! Some of my symptoms listed made me wonder how they line up with their side effects list. Capitals are what I experienced in the listed side effects.: -Intestine infection of watery DIARHEA. It kills all the beneficial bacteria which I found out later is a huge part of immunity. -Liver problems-Causes sleepiness & TIREDNESS. -Central nervous system effects-light headedness,dizziness and SPINNING FEELING(vertigo) -Benign intracranial hypertension-high pressure around the brain(,my WOOZY HEAVY HEAD),blurred vision,loss or UNUSUAL HEADACHES. -Auto Immune system-incl. a lupus-like syndrome'-'JOINT PAIN, FEVER,..MALAISE' And then they recommend testing? Just stop taking the stuff'. When I later read it can cause Lupus symptoms, I chastised myself for not reading the side-effects first. Who wants to gamble with your body like that? Then I read this stuff hasn't been evaluated in the treatment of infections. It's meant for inflammatory lesions of non-nodular moderate to severe acne vulgaris. I'm shocked that so many people are on it long term when the instructions say it hasn't been tested for more than two times at 14 days each with the mean age of the population at 20 years. It says 'The mechanism of action of SOLODYN for the treatment of acne is unknown', 'Long term animal studies have not been performed to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of minocycline. A structurally related compound, oxytetracycline, was found to produce adrenal and pituitary tumors in rats.'
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December 13, 2011


Face smoother
Less Acne
Was free for me


Seemingly gives me headaches once a day.

I am hardly a pro on this medication but I just completed 1 full week of being on Solodyn so I thought I'd share my story. I am a 29 year old male with adult acne. It was much more severe in my late teen years and a derm put me on Accutane for several months. It pretty much cured me and over the years I would get the occasional zit but nothing major like when I was a teen. Over the last year or so my acne seemed to be getting worse; to the point where I'd get several big zits a week. I got tired of it so I re-visited the same derm I had as a teen and after asking me some questions and looking over my face he prescribed me Solodyn. I have pretty good insurance, plus he gave me a coupon so I ended up paying absolutely nothing for the 30 pill bottle. I was told it didn't matter when I took the pill but I read reviews that it could make you tired so I always take the pill right before bed with some water. Over the first couple days I seemed to break out a lot but I've read that this med pushes all your upcoming zits to the surface so I didn't think much of it. Now after 1 full week my face seems to be more smooth and less red. I still have a couple zits that aren't fully healed/gone but so far nothing new in the last 4 or 5 days. As for side effects, I seem to get a headache in the mid afternoon since starting this med. I take some aspirin and it goes away but its kind of annoying. I haven't felt tired or anything like that but I'm hoping the headaches wear off eventually. Regardless, I'll tolerate a little pain for now as long as it keeps my face clear. I plan on re-reviewing this product after being on it for a full month. So far, I recommened it to those with moderate acne. It looks like most people are only on this drug for 3 months or less so I'm very curious if this will have lasting results like Accutane does. I guess I'll have to ask my derm some more questions on the subject since I'm a little more knowledgable on Solodyn now.
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September 4, 2015
did it work after getting off the medicine?
November 26, 2011


Stopped acne in its tracks immediately


Just my own paranoia from the negative reviews on the side effects, however I have yet to experience anything awful. Maybe slight fatigue.

I have hormonal acne. It is stubborn and nothing has ever worked in controlling it. Although I consider it be be mild to moderate, because I usually only have a few pimples at one time. However, the location where these pimples would form were embarrassing (usually right around my upper lip area) and very noticeable. Very annoying, and always coming back in the same spots over and over. I went to a derm asking for spiro, cause I know its hormonal. but, being that I am already taking Yasmin, she decided to have me try the solodyn. I am also using Finacea gel. I started using this in mid October, and its now late November. I have had absolutely no hormonal break outs at all, not even in my usual areas. And let me tell you, that is a miracle because mine were constant, every couple days I would have a new disgusting zit forming. I admit, some of the other reviewers have terrified me but so far I think I am good. I haven't noticed any disturbing side affects. I also do worry about what will happen to my skin once I stop taking this. But, for now I am enjoying my pimple free face. All I can say is give it a shot, because if you are desperate enough, you will try anything once. It could work for you.
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August 3, 2011


-Completely cleared up cystic acne, whiteheads, and most blackheads. Skin is crystal clear
-Minimal side effects
-Once a day pill


-Took 2-3 months to fully work & dosage change
-Extremely expensive if you don't have insurance ($700-$2000)
-brittle nails

Started on 55mg (105lbs) for first month and saw minimal results but continued on. Second month was alternating between 55 &65mg every other day and still didn't see significant improvement. For the third month was on 65mg a day and completely cleared up within 3 weeks and have been crystal clear since. When solodyn works, it really works! First medication since 2 rounds of Accutane to control my cystic acne. Problem for me is that I don't have insurance and my derm has been giving me the boxed pharmaceutical rep samples. Scared of what will happen if I stop. Unfortunately I've tried several antibiotics in the past and they are not a long term solution, although they can provide relief for a while.
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March 20, 2011


Really helps clear up my hormonal/exercise induced acne


I haven't stopped using it, I've been on it 10 days, so I'm not sure yet if I will break out once I stop.

I feel like this was the first thing I've tried in a while that made a visible difference in my face. I have really fair, sensitive skin and I live in Florida so everything irritates my skin. This really helped along with my normal routine of products.
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July 27, 2010


No side effects whatsoever (this is primarily because my doctor told me to take it with food)
No visible acne anymore


None so far

I just started this prescription medicine last week. I never thought I would ever be on a prescription for Acne but I guess as we get older our body changes. I am in my early 30's and I decided to switch from birth control pills to Mirena because of the convinience of it. I dont regret it but I wish I knew what was going to happen to my face. I dont think I have EVER seen my face with such painful cysts and huge pimples. My face was breaking out and I was very depressed about it. My skin was quite clear while I was on the pill. I would say I started with moderate acne and now Im onto light. I dont have visible pimples all I have left are mostly dark spots due to my picking and skin pigmentation. Before I got on the solodyn I started washing my face with a glentle face wash and did Dan's advise regarding the Benzol Peroxide this worked wonders and the pimples started to clear up within 2 days but I need it something to kill this bacteria from the inside out - this is why I took my doc's advise for the solodyn. So far I gotten no pimples and I am pmsing as we speak, by now my face would have 4 or 5 and I have none. I also noticed my skin is less oily which is a PLUS. I can't wait to see the results after a month. I However, if I hadn't gotten on the solodyn I would still be doing Dan's Regimen with the Benzol Peroxide. It does work and I still do it just @ night because it makes my skin too dry if I put it both morning and night. I suggest for those who Solodyn hasn't work to stop discouraging other people from trying it, each person's body is different and the medicine reacts different for everyone. Just a note, I also stopped eating certain foods. I completely cut out caffeine (which is BIG for me), anything fried or too greasy. I barely eat meats, etc. In order to help your body and skin you must change from the inside out, fixing the outside doesn't help the inside. I am so far happy with the results from Dan's regimen and the Solodyn. Drink LOT
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June 8, 2010


-worked FAST.
-non-drying if a lotion is also used.
-didn't give me upset stomach.


-none insofar!

I've been on Solodyn for 5 days, and I ALREADY see a huge difference in my skin. The only other pill I've taken for acne is Azithromycin (if I'm spelling it right) and it gave me a horrible upset stomach, and also did nothing for my skin. I see no improvement in scars like others say, but definitely prevents and heals blemishes. I'd recommend Pond's Dry Skin Cream with this! It works wonders!! I'm using this in conjunction with Epiduo as a spot treatment, for reference (: Ask your doctor for a coupon that comes with it to make it only 10 dollars as opposed to the 100 it usually costs!!!!!
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August 28, 2012


Clear skin!


Not an immediate fix
Initial breakout

So I grew up with clear skin. I went through high school, and even my first year of college, with just the occasional zit here and there. But when I turned 20 that all changed. I would usually get a zit or two right before my period, but now I was getting five or six HUGE zits. They hurt really bad, and would last practically the entire month. I let it go on for too long, because I was in denial about actually having acne. Finally I went to the dermatologist, and he said I had cystic acne. He prescribed me Solodyn (80mg). I started taking the pill and I noticed that I couldn't get enough sleep. I was always tired! Also, the initial breakout was TERRIBLE. There were lots of tears, and I thought it was 100x worse and never going to get better. My advice is to just get through the few months of horrible skin, because the results are magical! After my third month of using this pill I suddenly had clear skin! I'm on month four now, and I'm slowly getting off of this antibiotic. I haven't had a zit in a whole month! I didn't even get one around my period! I'm so excited that it worked. It will work for you too, just give it the full three months.
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