Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 1, 2015
Does it work..?
I'm a teen and these past years I've been having breakouts. It was totally fine before but it suddenly happened. And I think I have sensitive skin. I've been seeking help and have tried different products and home remedies. I even tried to take zinc supplements cause I heard it might help. But my skin just keeps getting worse so I went to consult a doctor and was prescribed a couple of natural products as well as skin peeling sessions. After that,some of the previous scars are gone but now acne only appears on my cheeks and they won't go away,I think they've been there for months. It's always the same old spots,sometimes they seem to be healing and then it suddenly becomes redder again and forms a head. And then sometimes a new one pops out. I don't know what causes this,I don't let anything get close to my face at all,I wash my face everyday and I don't smoke. I don't know what else to do so I researched and heard about vinegar so I mixed White rice vinegar with water cause I only have that at home. It's been 3 days since I'm using it and so far I still don't see improvement only that my face seems to look a bit..whiter? I'm just using that,a facial cleanser and moisturizer for now. How long should I continue using the vinegar?
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January 29, 2015
Is it working?
I'm 16 now, and have had acne since I was about 13. It has only gotten worse over the years. I don't know why, but it's always worst in the winter (I live in Norway btw) In the summer I tend to clear up. Especially if I go to the beach a lot. I've haven't really tried that many different products. First I tried tea tree, but it stopped working. Then I used BP, which worked for a while and then stopped working too. I started to get really into natural skincare so I tried the "caveman regimen" for 2 weeks (during christmas so I didn't go to school and didn't wear makeup). It kinda worked. I didn't get any new zits just a lot of lumps around my chin and dry skin. When I stopped "the caveman regimen" those lumps turned in to acne ( I've never had a lot of acne on my chin or my cheeks but after the caveman regimen I did) Then I tried using saltwater, it didn't make it any worse but it didn't help either.. So I read a lot on ACV and decided to give it a try. I use apply a 50/50 mixture of water and ACV with a cotton pad in the evening (I use jojoba oil as a moisturizer and i wear mineral makeup) I'm two weeks in now and my acne is worse than ever. I guess my skin is purging? . My skin is really soft though and it seems to glow a lot more. Should I keep going? I really want it to work.
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September 21, 2011


Cheap, may already be in your pantry, if it doesn't work on your face you can still cook with it


Caused breakouts

It stings like a mother, but in a medicinal way. I didn't mind the smell as long as it helped my acne, others in the house complained though. I would apply apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball a few nights a week. For a few weeks I thought it was helping slightly, or at least not hurting, but after a while it would actually make me break out after each time I applied it. Not sure why that happened but I stopped.
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September 30, 2009


wonderful and amazing all in the same breath.. cant believe ive spent thousands of dollars on name brands all these years. Am well beyond recommending this approach.


stinky a bit.

will be buying stock in bragg!
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September 11, 2009


Soft skin, fast results, smiles c:


The taste... but don't drink it!

I've only been using it for about a three days, and I can already see some good results. I've gotten really tired of using all of those horrible factory-made cleansers and washes, because all of them I've used dry out my skin and make it look leathery and aged until it is removed (ex. benzoyl peroxide.) I've been searching forever for a good way to clear up acne naturally, and in judgment of these reviews, I think I made have found one trustworthy enough ;) Oh... and I sort of like the smell.
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August 25, 2009


Greatly improved my skin, stops new break outs.


The smell can be pretty bad - use it in the evening and leave it on at night and no one will notice. Doesn't completely clear skin.

The only product (i used distilled malt vinegar which i found worked just as well as ACV) that has had a real affect on my acne. I apply it with a cotton bud in the evening and leave on all night. You should see a noticeable difference within a few days. If i don't apply it a couple of nights i begin to break out badly again. Hasn't cleared my skin 100% but it has cleared it to a level i am pretty happy with and not always worried or embarrassed about. I strongly suggest you try it.
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June 19, 2009


this is a miracle for your skin!


the smell, but its only for a few seconds!

this has been a miracle for my poor skin. sure it smells nasty, but that is a small price to pay for beautiful glowing no zit skin!! i love this product, and its NATURAL!!!
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May 25, 2009


Works! Cheap, quick results.



After having bad acne for about 7 years and tryed everythingggg!!! The simplest thing worked. This really does help your acne and it is defiantly worth trying. It works on your face, back , chest anywhere!
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April 27, 2009


works quickly, very inexpensive, significantly reduces existing and future acne breakouts


doesn't do much for blackheads or red marks, causes redness and a hot feeling when first applied (this is temporary), smells awful, loses some effectiveness after initial clearing

I started applying apple cider vinegar about a month and a half ago and I'm pleased with the results. I apply it in the morning before I shower, and usually once or twice more throughout the day, sometimes washing it off in the shower and sometimes leaving it on (before bed). Within a day my skin was noticeably more clear, but over time I started to break out again, albeit not nearly as much as before. Unfortunately it also didn't seem to do anything for my blackheads or red marks/scarring. I break out less often than before, though, and breakouts are less severe. Major blemishes are still present once in a while, and last about as long as before, but the ACV seems to generally make acne less frequent.
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March 30, 2009


it works as a toner, i put it on and my face was all red (like rash or somethin) but it went away after 2 hours it defienetly works but you have to be consistent use it when you're home only it stinks really really bad but its worth it


stings a lil bit and scares the sh*t out of u the 1sr time u use it

also drinkin it is gross but it actually helps and ur face will definetly look better afteer a week or so
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