Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 8, 2006


cheap and exfoliates the skin; also can be taken internally as a drink


can make the skin a little red; though i dilute it 50% with water and this helps for more sensitive skins

love it, exfoliates, regulates ph, cleanses inside your body
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June 21, 2016
Apple cider works better than the normal
Vinegar-Specially ACV works better. I found it too harsh when used un diluted and when used all by itself. I have a sensitive skin. I have used this with bentonite clay and green tea and it works well.
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October 15, 2015
My skin's been wrecked by this and my acne 10 times worse.
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November 30, 2015
Does it pains you when uyou used this? I'm planning to buy a bottle to try it on my skin tags.
December 13, 2015
What did you do to make it worse? Did you just simply pour it on your face? Please be specific because I am dealing with acne and would love for you to share your detailed opinion about Apple Cider Vinegar. Thanks!
August 17, 2015
Purging or breakout?? 😳
After the first day of drinking acv diluted with water, I got swelling bumps and a liitle cystic acne (about 1-3). Is my skin purging? Should I not stop drinking it and just continue? How long will the purging last? :(
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September 3, 2015
Probably Purging. It takes a month until you notice any difference. And then 2-5 months to see significant improvement. However, if you don't see any difference within a month, I'd say it doesn't suit your skin, and you are reacting to it. It takes time.
October 14, 2014
Didnt work so well!
Vinegar didnt work so well for me..It caused my acne become redder and more breakouts started appearing. I wouldnt recommend it.
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December 29, 2013
works.. need a couple days though:)


detoxifies skin and pores of impurities
radiant skin
brings up deep acne


burning sensation
redness after use, not a wash and go treatment
initial uses pull up acne.. however first step to healing it

I tried this a long time ago and due to the burning sensation and the fact I saw acne come up, I shelfed this for a long time.. after much reading and research, I found due to it' s detoxifying it brings the deeper acne up to the surface. I took a weekened where I could stay home, applied ACVinegar a few times, left it on for a while then rinsed. I then use baking soda and water paste as a mask, let dry, then moisten, exfoliate the raised acne away and rinse.. use this treatment once a week.. both products cause initial redness and a burning sensation.. you will need time, just a little, after using this. ending rinse with cold water helps
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July 26, 2012


ACV has a ton of health benefits.


If using as spot treatment, can cause scarring & scabbing.

I used Apple Cider Vinegar as a topical for MONTHS. At first I was just using it full strength by putting some on a cotton ball & dabbing it on my face every morning and night after washing with a cleanser. After a time I used it mixed with water. It did absolutely nothing to improve my acne. Once when I felt a developing pimple, I used some full strength on a cotton ball & held it on the pimple for several minutes. The next morning I had what looked like a small scab on my face! I admit that may have been my fault because of its acidity. I may even have used ACV for nearly a year before I had to admit to myself that it was not helping my acne at all. I used organic & non-organic-neither helped. I'm really disappointed it didn't work for me-I seem to have some sort of mutant incurable acne. I am running out of things to try. :( But I do recommend it to others because I have read so many reviews on this site & others saying that it worked. So definitely try it but mix it with water.
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October 25, 2009


Works quickly on breakouts
Helps with hyperpigmination.
Overall very impressive results.


The smell, but you get used to it. It also dries out your skin, so make sure you use a moisturizer along with it.

I've been using it for about a week and a half and one side of my face is just about completely acne free, save for a pimple or two, which is a huge improvement. The other side has always been much worse, but it's definitely a work in progress thanks to this treatment. Thankfully, it's also been helping with the hyperpigmentation I get as a result from my breakouts. (I dilute it with water and apply it to my entire face at night, let it soak in while I sleep, then wash it off in the morning.)
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July 15, 2009


it dried a big zit on my left cheek that had been bothering me for three full days!!! I woke up this morning and that same zit is not as red as it was, it shrunk and I'm the happiest.


so far none... the smell yeah! but my skin already looks better this morning!!!

I just tried it last night for the first time, so I know it's too soon to write a great review about it, but I already saw my big zit (and a few others) dried up and shrunk. I used baking soda mixed with water first as a mask, let it dry for 15 minutes, washed my face completely and applied some apple cider vinegar mixed with a little bit of water with a cotton ball all over my face. Not too much, though. It didn't sting, the smell started bothering me, but after my moisturizer the smell wasn't bad at all. I just did it last night and noticed that my skin improved a little, I'll keep using the ACV every night. The baking soda only three times a week and continue to use my other topical acne medication. See how that goes!!!!
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June 30, 2009


Its a great toner. It balances the pH level of your skin. It is all natural (use only raw, organic ACV) and its inexpensive.



It smells and when you sweat it releases its smell from your pores. But during normal daily activity you should not experience the smell after it dries.

Use it as a drink as well. Before each meal drink two tablespoons. If not to help your skin, it will aid in digestion. Nothing to loose in other words. I use it straight up. Over the years, trying everything under the sun, my skin has become pretty resilient to drying of being over sensitive. I have also mixed it with some fresh lemon juice in the past. This also reduces the smell. Lemons also supposedly help aid the redness in hyperpigmentation, which has been an issue for me. Just be careful and make smaller batches and refrigerate it so the it stays fresh. I used half ACV, half lemon juice. It may sting or irritate some so dilute the mixture.
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